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Boston Penumbra Catheter Attorney

Boston Penumbra Catheter Attorney

Did you know that the manufacturer of a defective medical device can be held liable for damages its products cause? Defective medical devices can cause unnecessary pain and suffering for patients and sometimes death.

Penumbra Catheter’s are one medical device that has been known to cause harm to patients. If you were injured by this device, you shouldn’t take your condition lying down. You should seek legal advice on how to recover money for your medical bills, lost income, and other losses related to your condition.

The Boston penumbra catheter lawyers of Sweeney Merrigan Law, LLP have over 100 years of legal experience handling product liability claims. We’ve recovered millions of dollars in damages for our clients. 

Call today for your free case evaluation from one of our product liability lawyers in Boston, MA.

How Our Boston Product Liability Lawyers Can Help After a Penumbra Catheter Injury 

How Our Boston Product Liability Lawyers Can Help After a Penumbra Catheter Injury

Medical device manufacturers can be held strictly liable when a defective catheter causes injury. However, that doesn’t mean they will go down without a fight. These manufacturers have deep pockets and will use a small army of lawyers to fight your claim.

Our Boston penumbra catheter lawsuit attorneys can stand up to the bullies and help you get the compensation you need to move forward. We’ve helped our clients obtain millions in settlements and verdicts. Money that has helped them get treatment and recover valuable lost income.

When you hire our Boston product liability lawyers at Sweeney Merrigan Law, LLP to handle your case, you can expect us to:

  • Investigate what caused your injury 
  • Identify all parties responsible for your damages
  • File insurance claims and handle all communication with the insurance company
  • Work with medical experts and other expert witnesses to obtain evidence proving the device was defective and caused your injury
  • Document your damages to calculate the value of your case
  • Negotiate for the full value of all damages
  • File product liability lawsuits when the parties refuse to negotiate a fair settlement

Reach out to our law office online or by phone to discuss your case with an experienced Boston Penumbra JET 7 Reperfusion Catheter lawyer.

Urgent Recall of Jet 7 Catheters with Xtra Flex Technology

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) alerted the public and health care providers to an urgent voluntary recall of Penumbra JET 7 Xtra Flex catheters. The notice said Penumbra issued the catheter recall of all JET 7 Max configurations because of the risk of serious injury or death when using the devices to remove blood clots in patients who had sustained a stroke.

All users were advised to stop using the device and remove the catheters from their inventory.  More than 200 medical device reports were filed with the FDA regarding the penumbra catheters. The reports included instances of serious injuries related to the JET 7 Xtra Flex catheter. 

Patient injuries reported to the FDA included:

  • Hemorrhage
  • Cerebral infarction (stroke)
  • Vessel damage
  • Death 

The distal tip of the Penumbra JET 7 catheter can fracture or expand during use. The result is serious patient injury or death. The FDA’s notice states the risk of rupture, expansion, breakage, ballooning, exposure of internal support coils, and complete separation. 

Penumbra marketed the JET 7 Xtra Flex Catheter in July 2019 but did not warn health providers of the risk associated with the distal tip defect until a year later.

Can I Sue Penumbra for Damages Caused by a Defective Catheter?

Yes, you can sue a medical device manufacturer for damages caused by a defective device. However, you have the burden of proving that the medical device was defective. 

Second, you must prove that the defect was the direct and proximate cause of your injury. And you must prove that the defective medical device caused you to sustain damages.

Product liability claims can be challenging to prove. Generally, you can hold a manufacturer strictly liable if you can prove one of three different types of defects: manufacturing, design, or marketing. 

A manufacturing defect occurs when a product deviates from its design during the assembly process in a dangerous way. A design defect refers to an error in the design of a product that makes it unreasonably dangerous in ways an ordinary consumer would not expect. A marketing defect occurs when a manufacturer fails to warn consumers of the potential (known) risks of using their product.

Expert witnesses will be required to examine the catheter and offer testimony regarding the defect. In addition, medical experts will likely have to explain how the defect caused your injuries. 

Our Boston penumbra catheter attorneys at Sweeney Merrigan Law, LLP are ready for the challenge. We handle large product liability cases all the time. Our law firm has the resources to go up against even the biggest of medical device manufacturers.

What Damages Could I Recover for a Penumbra Catheter Injury Claim?

Each claim is different. However, injured patients are generally entitled to compensation for damages, including:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Future medical costs
  • Permanent impairments
  • Long-term nursing or personal care

Families who lost loved ones due to a defective medical device may be entitled to compensation for a wrongful death claim

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Boston Penumbra Catheter Lawyers

It can be difficult to know whether a defective medical device caused your post-surgery complications. The best way to know if you have a product liability claim is to discuss your case with an experienced Boston penumbra catheter attorney.

At Sweeney Merrigan Law, LLP, our legal team takes on large medical device manufacturers to hold them accountable for their negligence and wrongdoing. If you were injured by a defective Penumbra JET 7 Reperfusion Xtra Flex catheter, contact our office to schedule a free case evaluation today.

Meet the Personal Injury Attorneys at Sweeney Merrigan Law, LLP