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Brockton, MA Car Accident Lawyer

Picture yourself heading into work in the morning, pulling your car toward one of the last intersections before you reach the parking lot. While the morning has been lovely and calm, someone suddenly rear-ends your vehicle because they are rushing to arrive at their workplace. In a situation like this, you may receive serious injuries requiring medical attention and time off work to recover. Luckily, you can take legal action against the responsible driver and win payment for your economic and non-economic losses.

If you have been the victim of a car accident in the Brockton area, we can provide valuable assistance during this challenging time. The car accident attorneys from Sweeney Merrigan Personal Injury Lawyers have a long track record of bringing clients success and support. The victims we serve trust us to put their needs and well-being ahead of all other priorities, and we would be pleased to do the same for you. For more information, feel free to reach out to us by calling (617) 391-9001 or completing our contact form at your earliest convenience.

Who Is Liable for a Car Accident in Massachusetts?

You can receive compensation whenever someone else is directly responsible for your injuries and losses in a car accident. However, you must determine who is liable and take legal action against them to receive recovery payment, which can be difficult. Any of the following parties might be responsible for your losses, depending on the circumstances:

  • Another driver
  • Passenger
  • Pedestrian
  • Vehicle or parts manufacturer
  • City or state government
  • Premises owner or renter
  • Employer or employees of the property
  • Others involved in the event

Many people might be somewhat liable for your losses, and there are also cases where you need to hold more than one person responsible to receive fair compensation. We recommend you work with a Brockton car accident lawyer for assistance, as your attorney can help you identify who is most likely to be liable, hold them accountable, and allow you to obtain payment for your losses.

What Compensation Can You Win in a Brockton Car Accident Claim?

If someone else is liable for your injuries and losses, you are likely eligible to receive compensation from specific sources. Most often, you will receive payment from the responsible party or their applicable insurance policy. Depending on certain limitations and facts about the event, you can recover specific expenses. The following are the damages that most frequently qualify for compensation in a car accident claim:

  • Legal fees
  • Medical services, including those related to
    • Ambulance use
    • Doctor’s office, hospital, emergency room, or urgent care visits
    • Physical therapy
    • Future medical treatments and recommendations
    • Mental health support services
  • Wrongful death
  • Loss of companionship or consortium
  • Property damage
  • Wage loss
  • Lost wage-earning potential
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

Other economic and non-economic damages may also qualify for compensation based on the specific circumstances. We suggest you work with a Brockton car accident attorney for assistance, as your attorney can help identify other qualifying damages, estimate the value of your case, increase the compensation you can receive, and much more.

How Can a Brockton Car Accident Lawyer Help With Your Claims?

Whenever you are involved in legal matters, we recommend you work with a lawyer to give you improved representation and a fair shot at winning your case. Following a vehicular crash, we suggest you retain services and support from a Brockton, MA car accident attorney who serves the Brockton area. Your attorney can help you in several ways throughout your legal battle, including completing and filing the necessary paperwork, speaking on your behalf, leveling the playing field against other representatives and parties, and holding insurance companies accountable.

We strongly suggest you refrain from representing yourself during your legal matters, as there is a significant risk of you unintentionally reducing the compensation you can obtain. Instead, working with a qualified attorney can improve your odds of being represented fairly, bringing home recovery, and adequately reducing stress to focus on your healing. Working with a car accident lawyer can significantly mitigate the consequences and risks of self-representation.

By contacting a Brockton, MA car accident lawyer as soon as possible, you increase your odds of success even further. Giving your attorney sufficient time to get familiar with your case, collect and analyze evidence, and build arguments in your favor can bolster your chances of a positive outcome. 

The car accident lawyers at Sweeney Merrigan Personal Injury Lawyers offer free consultations and work on a contingency fee basis, so you only pay our team when you win your case. Winning compensation for attorney fees also means the liable party is most likely to pay your fees, giving you increased financial protection and the opportunity to focus on what is most important: your recovery.

Car Accident in Brockton? Get Valuable Help From Sweeney Merrigan Personal Injury Lawyers Today

If you face severe injuries after a car accident in Brockton, and someone else is liable for your losses, we would be happy to help. Sweeney Merrigan Personal Injury Lawyers can help ensure you don’t need to manage your legal matters alone. Our attorneys have over 45 years of experience. We also have accolades from several outlets, such as Best Lawyers and Super Lawyers. Attorney Jessica M. Gray and the rest of our team are incredibly knowledgeable and specialize in vehicular accidents resulting in injuries.

If you want legal assistance during your legal proceedings and healing journey, please connect with us. When you retain our services, we would be happy to answer your questions, bring calm to any of your concerns, provide individualized recommendations for the next steps, and more. You can get in touch with our team when you call (617) 391-9001 or complete our contact form at your earliest convenience.

Award-Winning Legal Team

Attorneys at Sweeney Merrigan Law, LLP have been recognized and honored by several of the top legal associations, including SuperLawyers, National Trial Lawyers Association, and Best Lawyers.

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Sweeney Merrigan Law, LLP is a highly successful personal injury law firm serving Massachusetts since 2011.

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