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Malden Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

If you have been in a motorcycle accident, you’ve likely also suffered from severe injuries and concerns about medical costs. This is a serious situation as it is, but we also know that liable parties should undoubtedly be held accountable for their actions and your losses. Whenever we get on the road, we hope that every driver is actively trying to move safely and prioritize the well-being of others. But when someone’s negligence results in your injuries, you can take legal action and receive support.

For help holding liable parties accountable for your losses and injuries, we encourage you to get in touch with the team at Sweeney Merrigan Personal Injury Lawyers. Our Malden motorcycle accident attorneys have a long track record of winning clients fair compensation, allowing them to focus on the healing and recovery processes. We can support you in many ways throughout the legal processes ahead of you, in the same way we’ve been aiding victims and survivors for over 45 years. For help with your legal matters, call (617) 391-9001 or complete our contact form.

How Is Fault Calculated in a Massachusetts Motorcycle Accident?

According to Massachusetts personal injury law, everyone involved in an accident is given a percentage of fault. This can be considered a level of responsibility for causing any monetary losses and injuries connected to the incident. However, if someone receives more than 51% of the fault for an accident, they are no longer eligible to receive compensation for any of their losses.

The percentage of fault someone receives also impacts the compensation they can receive. When you receive any fault, that percentage is removed from the potential financial support you can collect. For example, when Party A is 20% liable and suffers $100,000 in damages, they can only collect a maximum of $80,000 in their claims.

If you need assistance understanding how fault is calculated in Massachusetts motorcycle accidents, or you want to reduce the amount of responsibility you are likely to receive, we can help. The Sweeney Merrigan Personal Injury Lawyers have the experience and knowledge to support you during this challenging time.

What Compensation Can You Collect After a Motorcycle Accident?

Following a motorcycle accident, you will likely be entitled to receive compensation from the at-fault parties. The damages and caps on a person’s insurance can influence the amount you can collect. Still, you will also have the option to file directly against the individual’s assets if you need additional support. The following damages will likely qualify for compensation after a motorcycle accident:

  • Medical bills
  • Future medical care
  • Ambulance charges
  • Physical or occupational therapies
  • Mental health support
  • Attorney fees
  • Property damage
  • Wrongful death
  • Loss of consortium or companionship
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Changes in quality of life
  • Loss of wages
  • Change in wage-earning potential

Other losses you suffer may also qualify for compensation, but this will depend on the facts of your case and limitations within the law. For assistance, we recommend you work with Sweeney Merrigan Personal Injury Lawyers. Our team can help you identify other qualifying damages, increase the value of your claims, and aid you in receiving the fair compensation you deserve.

How Can a Malden, MA Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Support You in Your Claim?

Getting involved in legal matters can be overwhelming at the best of times, so we recommend that you work with a Malden motorcycle accident attorney whenever possible. After a motorcycle accident, a qualified attorney can bring valuable support and dramatically reduce the presence of stressors during any challenges. Your motorcycle accident lawyer can communicate with insurance companies, manage paperwork, help you remember appointments, walk through your next steps, and keep everything organized.

Working with a Malden motorcycle accident lawyer is an excellent way to ensure you receive fair compensation, as they can reduce risks and mistakes typically associated with self-representation. Your attorney will represent you fairly and effectively, allowing you to navigate the court and legal systems confidently.

Please don’t hesitate to contact our team if you have any questions or concerns. The Sweeney Merrigan Personal Injury Lawyers are happy to provide answers and clarity through this challenging time.

Get Valuable Support and Protect Your Rights With Sweeney Merrigan Personal Injury Lawyers

If you suffer injuries after a motorcycle accident or any other incident due to another person’s reckless behavior, you don’t have to manage legal matters alone. By retaining valuable support from Sweeney Merrigan Personal Injury Lawyers, you are far more likely to win compensation and reduce stress related to legal issues. Our Malden, MA motorcycle accident lawyers—including Attorney Jessica M. Gray—proudly represent clients from many walks of life.

You can trust us to dedicate ourselves to your success, as we have also received accolades from outlets such as Best Lawyers and Super Lawyers. Our team wants you to heal and maintain financial security, so please put your best foot forward. You can schedule a free consultation when you call (617) 391-9001 or complete our contact form.

Award-Winning Legal Team

Attorneys at Sweeney Merrigan Law, LLP have been recognized and honored by several of the top legal associations, including SuperLawyers, National Trial Lawyers Association, and Best Lawyers.

Over $500 Million Recovered

Sweeney Merrigan Law, LLP is a highly successful personal injury law firm serving Massachusetts since 2011.

No Fee Until You Win

There are no fees or costs unless we win your case!

Meet the Personal Injury Attorneys at Sweeney Merrigan Law, LLP