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Waltham Bus Accident Lawyer

A Brief Summary of the Following Article

  • Bus accidents can result in injuries, and victims have the right to file a personal injury claim if negligence caused the accident.
  • Sweeney Merrigan Personal Injury Lawyers offer experienced legal assistance for bus accident victims seeking compensation.
  • Proving liability is crucial in bus accident cases, involving a duty of care, breach of duty, accident causation, and resulting losses.
  • Damages victims may recover include medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering, with skilled lawyers negotiating for fair compensation.

Many people utilize public bus services to run errands, get to and from work, or even to travel. Whatever the reason you use public transportation like buses, you deserve to feel safe while riding these vehicles. Unfortunately, accidents can happen anywhere and buses are no exception. If you were injured in a bus accident caused by a negligent party, you have the legal right to pursue justice by filing a personal injury claim. To ensure you can build a strong bus accident claim and can pursue the fair compensation you are owed, it is crucial you have the help of one of our Waltham bus accident lawyers.

The Waltham bus accident attorneys at Sweeney Merrigan Personal Injury Lawyers are dedicated to achieving the best possible outcomes for their clients as they pursue fair compensation for the losses and injuries they have suffered due to another party’s negligence. We understand that the personal injury claims process can be intimidating, especially for those recovering from serious harm. That is why our team of legal professionals works hard to ensure your claims process is as stress-free as possible. To schedule a free consultation and learn more about how our team of Waltham bus accident attorneys can help you with your case, call our law office at 617-391-9001 or complete our contact form today.

Is It Important to Prove Liability in a Bus Accident Case?

After a bus accident, victims may feel disoriented and unsure of what their next steps should be in regard to their legal options and pursuing justice. One of the first steps is to identify the at-fault party and prove their liability. This is a vital step in your case as it not only supports your claim and helps you pursue compensation, but it also ensures that the negligent party is held responsible for their reckless actions that caused the accident.

There are various parties that may be found liable for a bus accident. Your Waltham bus accident lawyer will launch a full investigation into your case to identify the liable party to ensure they are held responsible for their negligence. To actually prove their liability, our experienced lawyers will collect evidence of the four factors of negligence. The four factors of negligence that prove liability in a bus accident case are as follows:

  • The liable party owed you a duty of care
  • The duty of care was breached
  • The beach of duty led to the bus accident and your subsequent injuries
  • You suffered losses as a result

To learn more about how our team of legal professionals will help build your bus accident case, contact our personal injury firm today.

Can You Recover Damages After Being Injured in a Bus Accident?

Being injured in a bus accident can result in serious injuries and a long recovery. If you have suffered harm in a bus accident, you may be eligible to recover compensation by filing a personal injury claim.

The damages you may be eligible to recover include the following:

  • Medical expenses: After a bus accident, victims may suffer injuries that require medical care and treatment to heal fully. These medical expenses may include costly medical bills, surgeries, or medications. You should be compensated for the cost of medical care relating to the injuries resulting from the bus accident.
  • Lost wages: Victims of bus accidents may be unable to work while they recover. As a result, they should be compensated for all present and future wages they may lose out on due to the bus accident.
  • Property damage: If a victim’s property was damaged in the bus accident, they should be compensated for repair or replacement costs.
  • Pain and suffering: Being injured in a bus accident can be emotionally and physically distressing. Victims should be compensated for the pain and suffering they have had to endure.

When you work with our lawyers, they can help you understand what damages you are eligible to recover and how much you may be able to collect. When filing your claim, the insurance providers will likely try to offer you the lowest amount possible for your claim. However, our experienced lawyers will negotiate to get you the best possible settlement for your bus accident case.

When you work with our team of trusted lawyers, you will have access to legal professionals like J. Tucker Merrigan. Attorney Merrigan is a co-managing partner and has been with the firm for over a decade helping clients pursue the justice they deserve.

Build a Strong Bus Accident Claim Today

At Sweeney Merrigan Personal Injury Lawyers, we provide clients with personalized legal counsel after they have been injured in a bus accident. We understand that no amount of money can make up for the harm you have suffered due to the liable party’s negligence.

Our Waltham bus accident lawyers can help determine how much you may be owed and what your best legal options are moving forward. Schedule a free consultation with a skilled bus accident lawyer today at 617-391-9001, or fill out our contact form.

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Attorneys at Sweeney Merrigan Law, LLP have been recognized and honored by several of the top legal associations, including SuperLawyers, National Trial Lawyers Association, and Best Lawyers.

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Sweeney Merrigan Law, LLP is a highly successful personal injury law firm serving Massachusetts since 2011.

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