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Toy Safety for Christmas 2017

Published in Safety on December 28, 2017

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Christmas has come and gone and many children had fun, exciting, high-tech toys and games on their Christmas lists. However, toy safety doesn’t stop after the holiday; it’s wise to keep an eye out for potentially dangerous toys and avoid gifts that could harm children.

Neben der Sicherheit von Spielzeug ist es ebenso wichtig, auf Online-Aktivitäten zu achten, insbesondere wenn es um Spiele und Glücksspiele geht. Mit dem Aufstieg der Technologie haben Online-Casinos enorm an Popularität gewonnen. Deshalb ist es wichtig, die beliebtesten Online-Casinos zu recherchieren und auszuwählen und sicherzustellen, dass sie von anerkannten Behörden lizenziert und reguliert werden.

Potentially Dangerous Toys

Some toys are only suitable for certain ages, so be certain to check any toys you buy to ensure they are appropriate for their intended recipients. Building toys like Lego construction sets are generally bad choices for toddlers and children under five as they can present a significant choking hazard. Board games with small pieces can also present a choking hazard to small children.

Toys that include electronic components or batteries are also best suited for older children unless the battery door locks securely with a screw. Some infant and toddler toys light up and play music, so make sure they have secure battery holders and have positive reviews from other parents before purchasing.

Some children enjoy cooking toys such as Easy-Bake Ovens, but it’s vital for parents to recognize the dangers these toys present. “Toy” ovens like these can cause severe burns and are best for older children who can follow the safety directions carefully, and parents should always supervise their children while playing with these items.

Over the past year, “hover boards” have been an extremely popular gift choice, but parents should understand the risks of buying low-quality boards. Many hover boards made with low quality components have a risk of exploding under certain circumstances. Some manufacturers use poorly made lithium batteries that explode with repeated use, so it’s important for any parent considering a hover board as a Christmas gift to carefully check online reviews and find ones with good reports.

Magnet toys are another popular gift that has caused severe medical problems for several young children. These toys are magnetic building sets featuring dozens of very small magnetic pieces. If a child swallows two or more of these magnets they will begin to attract inside the child, potentially causing catastrophic internal injuries. It’s imperative to keep these toys out of the reach of any toddlers or small children who may ingest them.

Safety Tips

It’s wise for parents of children of varying ages to keep older children’s toys out of the reach of toddlers. Things like video game consoles, building sets, electronics, and other complex devices can injure a toddler who gets hold of them, and the toddler could also unintentionally break expensive gifts. Make sure children know where to keep their Christmas presents after opening them.

Christmas morning might be chaotic, but parents should pay close attention to the wrapping paper and other debris from opened gifts. Keep a trashcan or bag on hand and collect gift wrap, cellophane, and any other wrapping materials that could be choking hazards. While the gift opening festivities may be hectic, it’s important to keep an eye on anything that can cause asphyxiation or strangulation.

Keep these tips in mind while buying your gifts and unwrapping them to keep your children healthy, safe, and happy this holiday season. Christmas is a time of joy for many American families, so be vigilant and don’t let unsafe toys or safety hazards ruin the holiday spirit.

For more information, call our law office at (617)-391-9001. Or if you would prefer to email us, then please visit our contact page.

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